Memories From Westover

Submitted By WT (Tom) Fitch.

     We moved from the newer barracks near the main gate into Stony Brook in June of 1962, Ron Schofield and I were roomed next to one-another. Neither of us had a room mate; in fact, I don't think anyone in the flight had one.

     Shortly thereafter, Ron and I decided to do a major house cleaning. We swept and wet mopped the floors of our rooms and wiped every possible surface. We even found some paint and did a little touchup of the closet areas and where the bunks rubbed against the walls.

     Then we started waxing the floors. First on our hands and knees and then with the big power buffer. We folded the wool blankets and used them under the buffer to put down a deep, hot gloss.

     Those floors shined like glass - so much so, that each of us posted signs asking others to remove their footwear upon entering the rooms.

     One evening, after working swing shift we returned to our rooms and each of us had a note attached to the doors. The notes read in part - "Your room was inspected today by the squadron commander. It has been found to be in outstanding order. Please continue to maintain it in that condition"

     The notes were signed by Captain Frank Hoffman. He added this p.s. "By the way, I removed my shoes so I would not scuff your floors!"

     Usually, Ron and I would take the signs down when we were on duty but we had both neglected to do so that day. The Captain had a good sense of humor.

     WT (Tom) FITCH Member of the 814th 1961-1963.

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