Former Westover AFB Security personnel. All past squadron members of the 4050th APS, 814th APS/CDS/SPS, 99th SPS and the 76 APS. Please fill in this brief form. You then will be listed on the "located Squadron Veterans" page. Please provide your full name and email address. We are always seeking historical information and photos of the SAC years at Westover. Please dig through those old boxes and albums. The site needs anything pertaining to your tour at Westover. Our squadron(s) never had a specified historian, so this site is built on the generosity and trust of all past Air Force "cops" who did their time in the ice box known as Westover.

After entering the information press the SUBMIT button

*Full Name
*Security Squadron(s) assigned to
*Dates Served At Westover
Duty Stations Prior To Westover(with dates)
Duty Stations After Westover(with dates)
*Address 1
*Address 2
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