AF Manual 125-3

                                                                                                                            ATTACHMENT 2

                                                                                                                          Page 131-132



Air Police Protection

And Security Instructions


(The 11 General Orders of a Air Police Sentry)


1.)  I will take charge of my post and protect personnel and all Government property in view.


2.)  I will secure my post in an alert manner and observe everything within sight or hearing.


3.)  I will report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.


4.)  I will relay all messages and distress signals from other posts to air police headquarters.


5.)  I will quit my post only when properly relieved.


6.)  I will give the sentry who relieves me all instructions that I have received from the officers and noncommissioned officers of the air police.


7.)  I will not talk to anyone except in the line of duty.


8.)  I will give the alarm and notify air police headquarters in case of fire, disorder, or any emergency.


9.)  I will call the noncommissioned officer in charge in any case not covered by instructions.


10.) I will be especially watchful at night and challenge all persons on or near my post and allow no one to pass without proper authority.


11.) I will apprehend and turn over to the air police officer or NCO in charge any person who is on my post or who attempts to cross my post without proper authority.

*Used from the late 50’s to the mid 60’s*

(If anyone has an origional copy of these, please contact us)

email us here

In response to the request for a original copy of the 11 General Orders of a Air Police Sentry, Timothy G. Brock Msgt (Ret) from the 439 SFS Westover ARB came across historical 4050th and 814th APS Squadron documents dating from 1956 and 1957. One of these documents happened to be SOP - #107 for the 4050th Air Police Squadron dated 18 May 1956 under the signature of Capt. Doyle C. Strickland, Operations Officer for the 4050th. This two page document set forth the following:

1.) Phonetic Alphabet
2.) Security Instructions and,
3.) The "10" Series.

See Page One Of SOP 107 4050th Air Police Squadron Here

See Page Two Of SOP 107 4050th Air Police Squadron Here

table of contents

Photo Provided By Dennis Thibodeau [Photographer Unknown]