Jack_Okinawa_Nov_54.jpg chaplin-jack-then-and-now Jack_Okinawa_1955
Jack Donahue


Sampson AFB, NY, Oct 19,1953 to Jan 1954 -- A/3C
Parks AFB, CA, Combat Defence School (CDS), Jan 1954 to May 1954
Naha AB, Okinawa, June 1954 to Dec 1955, 51st Air Police Sq. -- A/2C
Chie AB, Formosa, 1955, 51st APS
Westover AFB Mass., 4050th APS Jan 56 - Sep 56 A/1C
Westover AFB, Mass. 814th APS Sep. 56 to May 63, SSgt.

Washington DC, 3 May 63, Special Agent Office of Special Investigation (OSI)
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