Alan W. Hayes

Probably More Than You Really Wanted To Know

     Alan W. Hayes: (Alan) spent the majority of his early years in the city of Worcester Ma. After graduation from South High School he entered the military and upon completion of basic training entered the USAF Air Police Academy at Lackland AFB Texas where he completed the intense training with distinction. He was then assigned to the 814th Combat Defense Squadron at Westover AFB in Chicopee Falls Massachusetts where he served his full 4-year enlistment.

     Alan's tour of duty spent at Westover during the Cold War formed an indelible impression of responsibility, fidelity, and loyalty to both the United States and the mission of the USAF, one which to this day, continues to guide him in his daily life. It is also where he met his future wife Virginia who was, at that time, a civilian employee working at 8th Air Force Intelligence.

     Upon separation from the service he relocated to Cape Cod Massachusetts where he was employed as a Patrol Officer with the Dennis Police Department. However, within a year he pulled up stakes and move back to Worcester MA. where he entered college. After two years of study he and Virginia were married and moved to Springfield Massachusetts where he completed both his under graduate and graduate studies. Springfield is also where he and Virginia (Ginny) celebrated the birth of their two children, Charles Alan (Chuck) and Deborah Ann (Debbie).

     Alan holds a BA in Sociology and Psychology from American International College in Springfield MA and a ME in Community Leadership and Development from Springfield College also in Springfield MA.

     He has been cited by unanimous proclamation of the Connecticut State Senate for his work in the field of victim's rights and was co-founder and past vice president of the Trauma Victims Support Group of Connecticut. He has also been nationally recognized for his work in behalf of Native Americans.

     Alan has worked extensively with individuals and families recovering from Traumatic Injury and he has long experience as a volunteer within a level one Trauma Center. He and his family are the subject of an in-depth video biography produced and directed by CBS News on coping with loss, which has been distributed to level one trauma centers throughout the country. In 2001, after 30 years of active Federal Civil Service in the field of Computer Technology, Alan retired and now spends the majority of his time with his wife and grand children enjoying the beauty and calm of the Connecticut River and the challenging waters of Long Island Sound.

      This website represents Alan's adopted mission of bringing to light the sacrifice and dedication of the USAF Security Police who served at Westover during the "Cold War" before it is lost to the fog of time.
