early issue air police badge Google Fly Over Shot of Westover AFB early issue air police badge

January 2, 1968:
The 814th Security Police Squadron Discontinued and Inactivated

      The following information has been provided by the Department Of The Air Force Historical Research Agency Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

      On November 14 of 2006 I inquired of the AFHRA, if they could help in answering a few questions regarding the history of the 814th. Today, April 7, 2007 the answer came in the mail. Actually the response time was not all that bad.       It must be remembered that the 814th did NOT have an official historian (not uncommon in the early years of SAC). As such, Much of the information I requested just does not exist. However one item is now certain. On January 2, 1968 the 814th SPS was Discontinued and, Inactivated. That information, in PDF format, can be viewed [*here*]. I had hoped that the AFHRA could have found some record indicating that all 814th SPS personnel were officially transferred from the 814th SPS to the 99th Security Police Squadron under the 99th Bomb Wing 57th Air Division. However, They were unable to do so. Perhaps if I ask for the history of the 99th Bomb Wing while at Westover the record of transfer can be found. I have learned that while asking for official records from the military you must be very specific in what you are asking for and, be very patient while waiting for a response.

      However, I did receive confirmation that the 99th Security Forces Squadron now at Nellis AFB has it's heritage in the formation of the 99th SPS that was Constituted and activated on January 2, 1968 under the 99th Bomb Wing 57th Air Division, Westover AFB (SAC). I have e-mailed the current Commanding Officer of the 99th SFS at Nellis in hopes of opening a dialogue between we who served in the past and the current members of the 99th, I'll keep everyone up to date if I get a response.
